
Case Study


In Brief

Accounting Evolution through Technological Integration

Business Need

Gruppo Percassi, bolstering its already robust portfolio with Starbucks and poised on the pillars of retail, real estate, and sports, sought to push the envelope in financial and administrative management. To align with the complex demands of the commercial environment, Percassi aimed to unify its internal systems with the Oracle Symphony software widely adopted across its retail outlets.

Retex Strategy

To achieve this integration, Retex deployed a multi-faceted consultancy strategy, offering:

  • Expertise in Oracle Symphony: A deep dive into the system to enhance the retail sales processes.
  • Retail Strategies: Guidance on best practices for product management and in-store presentation.
  • Inventory Management: Rigorous analysis of inventory data to facilitate a more effective stock management approach, driven by accurate forecasting and identification of inventory discrepancies.


  • Unified Data Access: Retail locations now benefit from a transparent view of performance metrics, with centralized planning bolstered by aggregated data.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Data consultation and analysis have become more streamlined, significantly quickening the pace at which the group can react to the fast-changing market dynamics.

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